TNT Superfantastic Conference Call Extracts & Q/As - Friday, July 12, 2024 (2024)

Good afternoon TNT. Super fantastic family. Today is.

Good morning TNT. For those of you who couldn’t understand for a rate, for some reason, today is Friday, July 12. You just breaking up a little bit. So I don’t know how it recorded.

Okay, we are here. Let me see. So today, just so you guys know, full we start 404 was gonna be the last caller before is not here. Oh, wait, wait.

That is what Sadani is telling iraqi citizens. Things are going to change on the 14th. I don’t know if it’s that morning, that noon, or that night. But by the 14th, on the 14th, he’s telling them things are gonna change.

Saw something yesterday about the new Iraq currency being issued this weekend. So that wouldn’t take place probably until Sunday. But it is in black and white. We got some really good information from our source.

And that is that the gazette has been published. Not with the budget, not with the rules. Here’s the thing. Let me go find out the exact numbers so I don’t get in trouble.

Gazette number 4781 is in print. Cause that number 4783 in print is that number 4782. Which I tell you guys, last time they said was filed electronically. We just haven’t seen.

It still has not been seen. Because the budget, the rate and everything is in that. Cause that is law. It still hasn’t been shown to the public yet.

So we’ll see what happens to. But now that we know, not that they haven’t stopped is exactly what it said. It was done electronically. So Iraq says about their new denomination somewhere here will be out Sunday.

And the problem with the exchange rate should be resolved in the coming days or by Sunday. More important than that, all of our contacts are saying at these. They said they were crying it every night. Didn’t go through your night because of a internal audit that didn’t complete when they were trying to put it.

The numbers didn’t come out right. But they say they’re going to try it every night until it happens. This takes us up to the 14th because what I know is wealth managers are calling people and telling them they’re going to get paid today to watch their accounts. Because they’re going to go live today.

Because it was supposed to go live yesterday, today and now definitely by this weekend. All right. Everybody’s excited. The banks are excited.

They have their people scheduled to work this weekend. All the banks are just here waiting on the treasury. The Treasury and the three letter abs are saying it’s ready to go. We’re just waiting to go.

People worked in the bank for 20-30 years. People been telling tellers, bank assistance, private bankers, everything else. A lot of you, and I do mean a lot of you know more about how banks work than they do. And you have to understand that they’re gonna tell you what you tell me.

I’ve been on my job twelve years. You can’t tell me how my bank works. Yes, you can, because they don’t have a clue how their bank works. They just know how their department works, their little corner of the world that they live in every day.

They know how that works. You know how the entire banking system works. Well, most of you should by now, but you know how multiple departments work, because I’ve explained it to you. So things have changed during this process.

And you may have to explain it to some of them. They may look at some numbers on the screen, say, this ain’t right. This can’t possibly be right because we don’t work like this, or there’s something wrong. I gotta go verify this.

They’re not charging people 10-15 percent on $500 million or $50 million at the teller. They’re not going to charge you 10% fee, $5 million to exchange your currency. I mean, who does that make sense to?

And that’s not gonna happen. While some people are saying there will be fees when you go to a teller, they don’t expect anybody with $5 million to go to a tower or a million dollars for that instance, to go to a teller. Because tell us. Have no options.

They can’t adjust rates. But I have exchanges who are telling me you’ll pay no fees doing the check.

So no fees doing the extremes of what I’m hearing. If you go to an exchange appointment, even at the bank, if you go into exchange, $50,000 and they charge you 10-15 percent.

Not doing this exchange. That’s just crazy. Well, here’s a bigger thing. The interest rates that you’re hearing, if you go to the bank right now and you put your money in there, they give you an interest rate, is four value year for the year, 4%, 5%, 6%.

Whatever they’re giving out right now used to be less money is for the year, guys. I verified it this morning. I verified it twice yesterday. The interest rates I’m giving you are for the year, the 20%, the 30%.

It’s not for three years. Not for five years is 20% a year for three years. That’s what your contract is going to say. I verify that with exchanges.

Those are people who are actually doing the paperwork or actually writing the agreement per year. For you who’ve already gone in, who’ve already done your paperwork, we’ve already got your skrs. Call your wealth managers and bankers and ask them right now, if it’s not, you need to cancel that contract, get you a new one because everybody else is going to be per year. They’re competing with so many other people.

You’re competing with the IMF, who’s willing to pay you monthly for this type of money. So we’ve all had that in our strategy anyway, because I tell you way back then, that means for five years, 20%, you doubled your money. But they, we had the use of your money for five years, and they probably made a hundred times that over five years, but you doubled yours. But there’s another strategy, and I can’t talk about until after the RV.

You know, I can’t talk about it until after the RV, until we get started and go down the road, because if I do, they might change it. Like, they’ve done so many things over the years.

I put the puzzle pieces together, talk to the right people, and what you do or not do the day of exchange could double, triple, or quadruple your money. There’s an opportunity for some of us to do that. Now, Ray had a point this morning to me. You know, all these people assume everything you’re talking about applies to everybody.

It does not. I’m just saying it does not apply to your hundred thousand dollars. It does not apply to your $500,000 when we start getting through the millions and multimillions, it absolutely applies. And most of you should be there.

We’ve been doing this for 15 years. If you just got 3 million and you go get your 28, 50, you’re at over $80 million. If you invested $3,000 over the last 15 years, you should at least be at 80,000. I mean, $80 million.

$80 million. If you ain’t got the highest rate, right, that’s actually $84 million. $3,000 over the last 15 years would give you $84 million if you got the highest rate for your dinner, which is absolutely a way to do that.

Let’s see. One liner says if we are to put 50% aside for taxes and the bank wants us to leave 50% in order to get the higher interest rates, are we talking about the banks wanting 50% of the remaining 50%.

Years ago we said put 50% aside for taxes. Years ago and we heard that dinar wasn’t going to be taxed and we didn’t know about the rest. Now we’re hearing there’s no taxes.

Everything which says this will not be taxed. So I’m not worried about the taxes. I mean I’m personally not worried about it.

If it is tax, you pay quarterly taxes, you don’t have it, they let you make payments. So I’m going to leave my percentage which is going to be greater than 50% with the bank. I’m going to take my interest, my money’s money. And if I have to make an arrangement with the IR’s then that’s what I would do and make payments over that 90 days or it needs to be.

And I already know from all of that I’m in the 50% tax bracket and it may go higher. But right now 39% 11% for California that’s 50% plus additional three. So I’m 53% already. So I need money’s money in interest and I need it to be higher to have any money.

But I’ll just use that. It will take care of itself. There will be a way to pay it. If it is you can have additional money.

You be able to make agreements with the IR’s because they do. Because they want you to continue giving money so you can continue to pay taxes. What’s that old saying? Is to say don’t borrow trouble.

Question, yes

I was wondering, if faster rv starts.

Will the rake on our start dropping or can they continue going up?

The rates should continue going up as the rest of the world, investors, fund managers, everybody else, get involved.

So I can hold on for a.

Week or two to the NR? I have.

And hope that goes up.

I can’t tell you the time frame. Yeah, I think it’s gonna. The history of these things going on in different countries says it’s gonna go up. But I also told you guys years ago that the committee guy said that they had put stop gaps in to make sure it doesn’t shoot straight up or shoot straight down.


Wasn’t stated at one time that the iraqi dinar could not be no more than 25 or $0.35 higher than the kuwaiti dinar.

Yep, that’s what the green says.

Okay. So the fact that it’s going up now, I’m higher, and does it have to still, you know, come back down to that in order for this to go through?

I don’t know. That to come back down to that for it to go through. I know after it comes out, goes up and come back, it will settle at that rate. Not 25% different from what the kuwaiti dinars.

Okay. The emergency meeting that they had last week pertaining to, I guess, the rate going haywire, has that been resolved?

The meeting was not pertaining to the rate going. It was pertaining to him cutting out all the exchangers from being able to exchange dollars for dinner. So he cut them out. Now they’re saying by him doing that or the US doing that, cause the rate to go anywhere because there’s a shortage of dollars was they say, we love, no big deal.

It’s gonna come back down and it’s gonna be resolved in a few days anyway. So with that process, the exchanges say, well, we’re just gonna all go on strike. And, you know, I want to laugh at them because they say, well, there’s only 1200 of you guys, period, and less than 400 even authorized to do exchanges. So I would give you a second.

But he didn’t. He called them all in. He gave a little insight. This is the plan.

Hang on to the 14th. Then you guys agree to do something and you’re ready to make some money. So that’s what they’re doing. That’s why they cancel the strike.

We’re all gonna see what happens on the forte.

Question.I know you’ve probably answered it before.

But I didn’t get it. When we call the 800 number, are.

They going to direct us to a Bank or a redemption center or will it be our choice? You’re going to call the 800 number. You’re going to tell them which currencies you have, how much of each one. From that, they are going to determine which bank or which Vac can handle your volume of currency.

And they let you know at that appointment, at that location. If you don’t want that, you simply tell you don’t want it and you go and do your own thing.

My question is, dealing with Iraq, saying that they’re gonna do some on the 14th.

When have they ever done anything that.

They said it was gonna do?

When they say they’re sure they’ve done some things on time, I don’t know what it is. But then, I mean, they’re gonna do this on time or like anything else.

All right. I just felt like I was just a kind of psycho psychopath playing with it.

And they may be. They may come up with something else on Sunday, but I can’t predict that. All I can tell you is it looks like this was happening. Based on all the information we’re giving, 14 should be it.

I don’t know. They’ve been introduced to the 18th WCO way too much. Those. The plan was to have the new rate out prior to the 18th.

If he’s saying they’re going to change things on the 14th, I think that would work. So I’m gonna go with it until it doesn’t happen because that’s what we have.

Well, my question is, you know, with this, this lingering on, but, you know, it’s coming more and more, I guess, coming to the surface where people starting to see, you know, things on back screen and stuff. Well, I thought that always they didn’t want, you know, these market people or these, what you call them, that employee estimates, know, the big investments and stuff. Yeah, yeah.

I thought they didn’t want to give them a kind of like a heads up so they won’t, you know, go out and, you know, buy a bunch of dinar or whatever and, you know, make trillions of dollars. I mean, but it seemed like, you know, with it lingering, but it’s. This is being seen and traded on the back, back screen. Seem like they’ll be ready to load up on it.

We want them to load up on it. They want. They want to drive the market. They’re showing the rate, and they’re giving them projections on the back screen.

So now, I mean, it’s ten years later, twelve years later, they’re not all out going buying it and, you know, putting boxes in the storeroom full of dinar. They’re gonna do it electronically. And now when for years, these fund managers have told us, you’re crazy, that’s never gonna happen, blah, blah, blah. And now they’re all calling their wealthiest donors, saying, get ready for this.

Get ready. Something big about to happen, and they’re gonna jump in the market, and they’re gonna be the driving force. So now’s the time they do want them to know about it and to start gearing their own people up. So when it hits the market, there is a market so when it’s forever, they market to buy it and drive it up.

And they’re doing because not gonna be people like you and me. They miss it. This four $5 a share. The average citizen is not going out to buy denarouse for it to run up.

Only people they can rely on now is those fund managers. There’s multi millionaires and billionaires who thought we were all crazy. And now we’re all getting ready to be millionaires and billionaires. So they work to prevention.

Okay, so have you. Have you heard from any of them? Any of those people or any of, I guess, exchange people that basically saying they get ready to cut it off.

Well, get ready to cut it off or get ready. Turn it on.

Well, I guess turn it on. But when I say cut it off, like some of this change what we buy the currency. Currency dealers. I guess that’s from an.

No. Yeah, they have our notice to our notice. Anything like that. That I know.

Nobody told me they got that. As far as I know, there’s still some.

Quick question. Is parliament still needing to do their thing with regards to the HCL, in your opinion?

Again, my opinion is ACL has been done, agreement hasn’t changed. And as far as we know, it may be announced on Sunday also. But they’re not meeting about every day. They still stand there, fine tune things, but it was that big of a deal.

It’d be in the papers every day. It’d be somebody screaming about it every day. Parliament would be talking about it, but they’re not. So I think it’s gonna happen along with the rv, love with the currency.

That’s gonna be a big thing right now. They announced this is the first time that the revenue of the country was 11%, came from something other than oil. So it’s the first time they got down below 90%. So it shows the changes that’s coming in the country.

But that HCL is still all, it’s still going to be shared by everybody. But I don’t think it’s what it was at one time. I don’t think they’re map now they’re growing. And I promise, well, I can’t promise you, but I absolutely believe it will come out at 12.6 and we’ll know who was right.

Okay, here’s another question for you. I think you mentioned last week that the US had given Iraq a deadline that they needed to get their act together and get this thing wrapped up. Did they give a timeframe as to when that would be?

I didn’t say they gave my deadline. I say this is their last opportunity. That right. I don’t know what day or time that means, but it means if they do anything other than what was requested, they can look to lose that regime.

So I know some people want to do some things. I know that the militias threatened to do some things and the US is saying, okay, you let that happen, you won’t be there, basically. So now the militia is not doing anything. Maliki is not doing anything.

Iran is not doing anything. As a matter of fact, yesterday or today, first time. First time I’ve been doing this 15 years that the ministers came out and said that the ambassador from Iran is actually running the iraqi government. And he put it on twitter, the iraqi government being run by this guy.

And here’s proof. And he put proof out there. So, yeah, us is let them know something happens, then it’s over and they’ll be having new leadership, basically. That’s all.

Interesting. Here’s my last question for you. I’ve seen on the back office there that you guys have long list of questions and what you need to write down and be prepared for that anybody can have. But do you have like a Reader’s Digest ten point questions as to what you’re going to be sure to ask to get?

Such as you don’t hear your account being locked up that nobody else can see and things of that nature. You have a shorter version of that somewhere?

I don’t think so. I think that’s the only version. But that’s a great question.

Well, I’ll ask Ray then. What was the question? You have a, so to speak, just maybe like a ten bullet point list where, hey, you want to be sure you have these things set up when you do new year negotiations. Ask for no, nothing more than what we’ve already put in the latest blast and tweets and preparing for the exchange because so much has been sent over the years.

Question. You started the call.

I may have missed the first few minutes, but you started the call talking about a YDE 20% for three years. And it seemed like you were indicating that is only what they will provide. Is that what you meant?

No, no.

Let me clarify first. Somebody was telling people that the interest rate was for the entire three, four or five year period. I was trying to clarify to everybody. I talked to three banks, no less than three, who are actually doing the paperwork for the exchange.

Your interest rate is per year. Per year. Not a period of three or five years. It’s per year.

20% a year for five years. That means it’s a hundred percent over five years.

Got it. Okay. I’m not sure why that is not clear. But you did bring to our attention on Wednesday, higher rates, 30% for the amount of years on the contract.

Has that been changed at all?

It hasn’t been changed. So needs to be clarified. But I know somebody who said they’re getting 20% a year. All right.

I already know somebody who already said 25%, because I do. But this baker right here is being 30%.

And that’s a 12345 year contract, right?

That’s right. That’s 30% a year for five years.

A question for you. You had mentioned something about Sudani on the 14th saying that there’s going to be some changes and stuff. But when they change the new rate. Isn’t a lack out of the CBI going to make a announcement?

Or do you think Sudani will take the bull by the horns and make that announcement? What’s your take on that?

I don’t know. A lot. Hasn’t been saying anything. The CBI hasn’t been given any details so far.

It’s just been Saddam. You know, what’s supposed to happen on the 14th. So they stopped all the travelers from being able to exchange money on the 14th. The banks at the airport are supposed to be the only ones authorized for travelers to exchange money to make sure that they’re leaving.

That’s going to be new just today. It says something about the new iraqi currency that’s going to be involved in that on Sunday. The new iraqi currency is what it said. Me involved starting Sunday in the new system.

The new system starts on Sunday, the 14th. So I don’t know that he’s gonna announce the rate or just use the change. I think Sadani is the driving force behind it..

So we’ll see. Maybe a joint statement that they make together because they’ve already made it to the rest of the world. They just have to tell us as far as financial world.

Quick question. The other day you were talking about us getting up to a 30% return. And I think the question was asked, but I missed it.

And what volume of money would we need to have in order to get that? Or do you have any idea?

I have no idea because nobody’s told me it’s going to be different for everybody. But I don’t know. I think the information I received says minimum of 30%. But this based on I don’t know what.

What volume. Because it should have said minimum of 20% as we go from there.

Okay. Should have a volume. Yep.

But nobody’s giving me that and every bank, it might be different. Okay. All right.


What can we do to offset any potential clawbacks, whether it be for a regular deposit or for investments?

I have no idea. I’m not a banker. I’m not interested in cows, but you can ask me. But I don’t think.

There haven’t been any claw back there. No. And I don’t foresee any. I just don’t see the bank putting out $100 billion just to try and get it back.

My question here, you did make comment a couple of times during this call, and you were saying the new Iraq currency. New Iraq currency. I just want to be sure that it’s more, it’s the same currency we’ve got but different rate. It’s not.

They’re issuing new currency.

The new Iraq currency, it will be lower denominations.

Our currency is still good. What we have.

Still going to be good at the bank. Plus $0.06.

I wanted to be sure for that clarification because I thought others might be kind of having lumps in their stomach and throat as well. 28.50 still is the projected contract rate as far as your folks are concerned, correct?


Okay. As far as the gazette, I appreciate your detailed information on that. The fact that number 4781 in print. Then you’re referencing of the 4782 being in the electronic form, but not showing to the public.

Have your sources been telling you what date is actually being shown on that? Or is that information is still being kind of not given to the public at this point?

You know, I can’t remember the date, but I think last Saturday, if I’m correct, or last Friday, I tell you guys that it was an electronic form because I was told that it’s been completed in electronic form. So that would have had to be. Oh, I don’t know. I was gonna say Wednesday, but it could have been part of that.

They just let out that the electronic one is done. They just haven’t put it out in print, which is still happening. Which, again, that gives me confidence in what they’re saying, that this thing is actually over. They’re just waiting to show it.

So, no, did not give me a date.

Okay. Okay. You. You were also kind of, during the call, mentioning the fact that they’ve been trying to put this through every night.

And I was curious, are they at this point? Is it like they’re saying, okay, now it’s time to go, and they do it one time, pertain night, it doesn’t go, and then it’s, well, we need to go to the next day? Or have they actually been trying it multiple times? And for whatever reason, one glitch kept it from going.

Another glitch kept it from going. Is it once per time? Once per day? And now we’re waiting till after closing.

Market closes today, as you’re kind of projected time to be looking for it from this point on.

I don’t know that. I really don’t. All I got was, we tried every day. The latest was an accounting area or audit did not come out right.

TNT Superfantastic Conference Call Extracts & Q/As - Friday, July 12, 2024 (2024)


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