Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (2024)

Second Date Update™

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (1)

You had a first date, it was great, you think a second one is coming…and then out of nowhere, you hear nothing! They ghosted! Nothing. But things were going SO WELL—what happened?!

Jeff & Jenn can help!

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Listen for BRAND NEW Second Date Updates™ Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:55 a.m. and hear classics Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:55 a.m. and 8:55 a.m. Or listen on demand with the !

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Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (2)

Second Date Update: What’s up with that nose ring? Ouch!

Second Date Update:What's up with that nose ring? Ouch!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (3)

Second Date Update: Who’s your Daddy? Let’s go! Give it Daddy!

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (4)

Second Date Update: Totally stage 5! STAGE 5!!!!

Second Date Update:Totally stage 5! STAGE 5!!!!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (5)

Second Date Update: Swingin’ here…. Swingin there…

Second Date Update:Swingin' here.... Swingin there...Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (6)

Second Date Update: How many times do you really need it?

Second Date Update:How many times do you really need it?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (7)

Second Date Update: Your home will never be my home…

Second Date Update:Your home will never be my home...Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (8)

Second Date Update Update Week: Remember the one where he didn’t make enough money?

Second Date Update Update Week:Remember the one where he didn't make enough money?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (9)

Second Date Update Update Week: The one who may or may not have been hitting on someone at the wedding…

Second Date Update Update Week:The one who may or may not have been hitting on someone at the wedding...Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (10)

Second Date Update Update: Remember the one who loved his Mom?

Second Date Update Update:Remember the one who loved his Mom?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (11)

Second Date Update Update Week: Remember the judgy judger? She’s just gonna be fat its in her DNA…

Second Date Update Update Week:Remember the judgy judger? She's just gonna be fat its in her DNA...Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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'; this.div = document.querySelectorAll(this.divSelector)[0]; this.div.appendChild(html); }; this.removeUrlProtocol = function(url) { var newstr = url.replace('http://', '//'); return newstr; }; // subscribe events this.subscribeEvents = function() { var _this = this; for (var i in this.configChannels) { var channelName = this.configChannels[i]; var channel = this.pusher.subscribe(channelName); for (var j in { var eventName =[j]; channel.bind(eventName, function(data) { _this.pusherEvent(channelName, eventName, data); }); } _this.channels.push(channel); } }; // process real time `cue` event from this.pusherEvent = function(channelName, eventName, pusherData) { this.processTrack(pusherData); }; // grabs the latest track from the api this.ajaxLatestTrack = function() { var endpoint = this.endpoint + '/hll_widget_nowplaying_cues.php'; var data = { 'limit': '1' }; var _this = this; var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', endpoint); httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); httpRequest.send(JSON.stringify(data)); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpRequest.readyState == 4 && httpRequest.status == 200) { var json = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText); _this.processTrack([0]); } } }; // process the track data and update the HTML this.processTrack = function(d) { var trackId =;var type = d.type;var artist = || '';var trackName = || '';var art = this.removeUrlProtocol( || "");art = art + '?ver=2';// workaround: ignore spots for nowif (type !== 'song') {return;} this.div.querySelectorAll('.artist .details')[0].innerHTML = artist; this.div.querySelectorAll('.track .details')[0].innerHTML = trackName; this.div.getElementsByClassName('album-art-img')[0].src = art; }; // grabs the latest track from the api this.ajaxLatestEvents = function() { var endpoint = this.endpoint + '/hll_widget_livebar_events.php'; var data = { limit: 1 }; var _this = this; var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', endpoint); httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); httpRequest.send(JSON.stringify(data)); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpRequest.readyState == 4 && httpRequest.status == 200) { var json = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText); _this.processEvent([0]); } } }; // process the track data and update the HTML this.processEvent = function(element) { var obj = {}; obj.eventId =; obj.title = || ''; = || ""; obj.formatStartTime = moment(element.start_date).format('h:mma'); obj.startTime = element.start_date; obj.endTime = element.end_date; obj.timeRange = function() { let start_date = moment(element.start_date); let end_date = moment(element.end_date); let default_format = 'h:mma'; let start_day_format = (default_format); let end_day_format = (default_format); // If start and end dates both fall in AM or PM, make it brief // Example: 10:00-11:00am vs 10:00am-11:00am if(start_date.format('a') === end_date.format('a')) { start_day_format = 'h:mm'; } // Remove minutes if 00 if(start_date.minutes() == 0) { start_day_format = 'h'; } if(end_date.minutes() == 0) { end_day_format = 'ha'; } return start_date.format(start_day_format) + "-" + end_date.format(end_day_format); }; this.div.querySelectorAll('.artist .details')[0].innerHTML = obj.timeRange(); this.div.querySelectorAll('.track .details')[0].innerHTML = obj.title; this.div.getElementsByClassName('album-art-img')[0].src =; // Start timer this.setEventTimer(); }; // Set timer for event refresh this.setEventTimer = function() { var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){ _this.ajaxLatestEvents(); }, this.eventRefreshTime); }; // grabs the latest rewards this.ajaxLatestRewards = function() { var endpoint = this.endpoint + '/hll_widget_nowplaying_rewards.php'; var data = {}; var _this = this; var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', endpoint); httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); httpRequest.send(JSON.stringify(data)); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpRequest.readyState == 4 && httpRequest.status == 200) { var json = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText); _this.processRewards(; } } }; // process the event reward and update the HTML this.processRewards = function(d) { var _this = this; // remove ones that shouldn't be shown var d = d.filter(function(x) { if(x.in_widgets === true) { return true; } return false; }); // randomly sort the array of rewards var d = d.sort(function(a, b){return 0.5 - Math.random()}); // then sort featured rewards to the top d.sort(function(x) { return x.featured === false; }); var i = 0; for(i in d) { if(i > 1) { break; } // reward properties var rewardObject = d[i]; var id =; var title = rewardObject.title; var image = this.removeUrlProtocol(; var type = rewardObject.type; var hours = Math.floor(rewardObject.hours / 3600); var hoursLabel = hours == 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours'; if(type == 'geolocation') {type = 'app'; } // element var rewardElement = this.div.getElementsByClassName('reward-'+i)[0]; rewardElement.getElementsByClassName('img')[0].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src = image; rewardElement.getElementsByClassName('content')[0].getElementsByClassName('details')[0].innerHTML = title; if(hours > 0) { rewardElement.getElementsByClassName('content')[0].getElementsByClassName('info')[0].getElementsByClassName('time')[0].innerHTML = hours + ' ' + hoursLabel; } rewardElement.getElementsByClassName('reward-featured-url')[0].setAttribute('href',"" + id + "/?utm_source=station-website&utm_medium=widget&utm_campaign=listening-leaders"); // reward type badge var typeBadge = rewardElement.getElementsByClassName('content')[0].getElementsByClassName('info')[0].getElementsByClassName('type-badge')[0]; var typeBadgeclassListAsArray = new Array(typeBadge.classList.length); for (var j = 0, len = typeBadge.classList.length; j < len; j++) { typeBadgeclassListAsArray[j] = typeBadge.classList[j]; } typeBadgeclassListAsArray.forEach(function(className) { typeBadge.classList.remove(className); }); // Custom badge label var badgeLabel = type; if (badgeLabel === 'app' || badgeLabel === 'qrcode' || badgeLabel === 'geolocation') { badgeLabel = 'app'; } if (badgeLabel === 'smartspeaker') { badgeLabel = 'alexa'; } if (badgeLabel === 'promocode') { badgeLabel = 'promo code'; } typeBadge.innerHTML = badgeLabel; typeBadge.classList.add('type-badge','reward-type-'+type); // show reward element rewardElement.classList.remove("hide"); i++; } // If rewards available, show wrapper if(d && d.length > 0) { var rewardsWrapper = this.div.getElementsByClassName('rewards-wrapper')[0]; rewardsWrapper.classList.remove("hide"); } // Start timer this.setRewardsTimer(); }; // Set timer for rewards refresh this.setRewardsTimer = function() { var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){ _this.ajaxLatestRewards(); }, this.rewardsRefreshTime); }; // grabs the latest user listening data this.ajaxLatestListeners = function() { var endpoint = this.endpoint + '/hll_widget_nowplaying_listeners.php'; var data = { 'limit': this.listenerCount }; var _this = this; var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', endpoint); httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); httpRequest.send(JSON.stringify(data)); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpRequest.readyState == 4 && httpRequest.status == 200) { var json = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText); _this.processListeners([0]); } } }; // process the track data and update the HTML this.processListeners = function(d) { // Main element var sections = this.div.getElementsByClassName('types-sections')[0]; // Loop through each type for(x in d) { var type = x; var typeData = d[x]; var typeElement = sections.getElementsByClassName('type-section ' + type)[0]; if(!typeElement) { continue; } // Loop through each listener only a certain number of times var listenerElements = []; var i = 0; for(i in typeData) { if(i > this.listenerCount - 1) { break; } // Listener data var listener = typeData[i]; var firstName = listener.first_name; var lastName = listener.last_name; var displayName = (lastName) ? firstName + ' ' + lastName.charAt(0) + '.' : firstName; var photo = this.removeUrlProtocol( || ""); var hours = Math.floor(listener.total_duration / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor(listener.total_duration / 60 % 60); // Create listener element var element = document.createElement('div'); element.setAttribute('class','listener'); var imgDiv = document.createElement('div'); imgDiv.setAttribute('class', 'img'); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('src', photo); imgDiv.appendChild(img) element.appendChild(imgDiv); var content = document.createElement('div'); content.setAttribute('class', 'content'); var name = document.createElement('div'); name.setAttribute('class', 'name'); name.innerHTML = displayName; content.appendChild(name); var info = document.createElement('div'); info.setAttribute('class', 'info'); var hoursElement = document.createElement('span'); hoursElement.setAttribute('class', 'hours time'); = ""; hoursElement.innerHTML = hours; var minutesElement = document.createElement('span'); minutesElement.setAttribute('class', 'minutes time'); = ""; minutesElement.innerHTML = minutes; var hoursLabel = document.createElement('strong'); hoursLabel.innerHTML = 'Hrs'; var minutesLabel = document.createElement('strong'); minutesLabel.innerHTML = 'Mins'; info.appendChild(hoursElement); info.appendChild(hoursLabel); info.appendChild(minutesElement); info.appendChild(minutesLabel); content.appendChild(info); element.appendChild(content); // Add element to array listenerElements.push(element); i++; } // Remove current listener elements and add new ones while (typeElement.hasChildNodes()) { typeElement.removeChild(typeElement.lastChild); } listenerElements.forEach(function(element) { typeElement.appendChild(element); }); } // If listeners available, show wrapper if(d) { var listenersWrapper = this.div.getElementsByClassName('listeners-wrapper')[0]; listenersWrapper.classList.remove("hide"); } // Start timer this.setListenerTimer(); }; // Set timer for listener refresh this.setListenerTimer = function() { var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){ _this.ajaxLatestListeners(); }, this.listenerRefreshTime); }; this.createListenerEventListener = function() { var _this = this; this.hllforEach(this.div.querySelectorAll(".types-menu .type"), function(index, element){ element.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); _this.changeListenerTypeSection(; }); }); }; this.changeListenerTypeSection = function(element) { var listenerSection = this.div.getElementsByClassName('listeners-wrapper')[0]; var targetType = element.getAttribute('data-type-target'); var menuItem = listenerSection.querySelectorAll('[data-type-target="' + targetType + '"]')[0]; var typeSection = listenerSection.querySelectorAll('.type-section.'+targetType)[0]; if(menuItem && typeSection) { var active = listenerSection.querySelectorAll(".active"); for( var x=0; x < active.length; x++ ) { var element = active[x]; element.classList.remove('active'); } menuItem.classList.add('active'); typeSection.classList.add('active'); } }; /* * forEach method, could be shipped as part of an Object Literal/Module * - */ this.hllforEach = function (array, callback, scope) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {, i, array[i]); // passes back stuff we need } };};// Set and intializenew hllNowPlayingWidgetObject('player-widget-listeningleaders-66611be52bf55').init();

Second Date Update™ – Q102 101.9 WKRQ-FM (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

Last Updated:

Views: 6021

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.