Midnight Masquerade - bestialynn - Dr. STONE (Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

And indeed, he proved to be a cunning creature.

"You're a shapeshifter, aren't you?" Senkuu's inquiry carried a note of fascination, his curiosity piqued by the enigmatic figure before him.

"And many other things, yes," Gen replied with a mysterious smile, his eyes gleaming through the intricate design of his mask. "I am what your culture knows as devilish spirits, but we prefer to be addressed as yokai. I am a fox spirit."

"A kitsune," Senkuu echoed, as if stating the most obvious fact. "It's not as though your kind hasn't been documented already."

Gen's eyes sparkled behind his mask, as though he had encountered a worthy adversary for his clever machinations—a person intrigued by him not as a mere mythical creature, but as an individual. Some humans revered Gen as if he were a deity, yet this vampire showed him no reverence.

It was exhilarating.

"Care for a dance?" Gen's invitation hung in the air, laced with a subtle challenge.

"I don't know how to dance," Senkuu admitted with honesty, his preference to observe the dance floor rather than participate born from a certainty that he would inevitably step on someone's foot.

"I have the perfect trick for you," Gen purred with a Cheshire fox grin, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. With a fluid motion, he extended his right hand to eye level, his fingers weaving through the air as if coaxing magic from the very fabric of reality. Suddenly, a blank sheet of paper manifested before Senkuu, its surface pristine and awaiting transformation.

With a flick of his wrist, Gen imbued the paper with a rich hue of royal purple, the color swirling and coalescing into an enchanting display. Intricate symbols began to emerge, etched upon the paper in a mesmerizing of arcane script. Each stroke seemed to pulse with otherworldly energy, casting a bewitching glow that slightly illuminated the dance floor. As the symbols cascaded from top to bottom, Senkuu's keen intellect pieced together their meaning, recognizing them as letters forming a language foreign to his own. It was a sight to behold—a kitsune spell unfolding before his very eyes, a testament to the ancient artistry and power of fox spirits.

With a graceful bow, Gen placed the paper delicately upon Senkuu's chest, the weight of its mystical significance palpable against his skin. With a subtle gesture, he guided Senkuu onto the dance floor, the vampire's senses ensnared by the tantalizing mystery laid out before him. A mystery he's going to solve. Lost in the intricate patterns of the spell, Senkuu was oblivious to the world around him, his focus consumed by the enigmatic script adorning the paper.

As the haunting melodies filled the grand hall, the atmosphere became electrified with an air of mystique and allure. The dancers, adorned in opulent costumes and ornate masks, moved gracefully across the polished marble floor, their movements fluid and mesmerizing. the haunting strains of violins and cellos filled the air, weaving a tapestry of sound that enveloped the grand hall in a symphony of enchantment. The violins, their strings vibrating with a delicate intensity, soared to dizzying heights, their notes piercing through the ether with a haunting clarity. Each stroke of the bow was infused with a sense of urgency and passion, driving the melody forward with an irresistible momentum.

Senkuu found himself swept into the swirling currents of the dance, guided by the hand of the enigmatic fox spirit. Together, they moved in perfect harmony with the music, their steps echoing the intricate rhythms and haunting melodies of the suite.

The dance floor transformed into a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, illuminated by the soft glow of torches and the shimmering light of the enchanted ceiling above. Shadows danced along the walls, casting ethereal patterns that seemed to come alive with each twist and turn of the dancers. Around them, the other guests joined in the dance, their movements adding to the hypnotic tableau unfolding before them. Couples swayed and twirled, their masks lending an air of mystery to the proceedings, while the music enveloped them in its haunting embrace.

As the music reached its crescendo, Senkuu and Gen spun and twirled with effortless grace, their movements a mesmerizing blend of elegance and passion. Each step was a testament to their connection, a silent communication that transcended words. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, Gen's tall frame allowing the vampire to gaze closely at his pristine neck, illuminated by the soft glow of torchlight. A delicate scent of flowers wafted through the air, brushing against Senkuu's senses with an intoxicating sweetness. The aroma teased his senses, invoking a primal desire that he could only taste lingering between his teeth.

For a fleeting moment, Senkuu lost himself in the rhythm of the dance, the world around him fading away as he surrendered to the enchantment of the moment. In that brief instant, he felt as though he were part of something greater than himself, a timeless celebration of life and the enduring power of magic.

He was ensnared by the yokai's enchantment, swept away in a whirlwind of magic and desire.

"The paper," Senkuu murmured between breathless movements, his voice barely audible above the music's elegant melody. "At first, I thought you wrote 'dance' on it, but that's not correct, is it?" He couldn't shake the feeling that the spell, deceptively simple as the fox had made it seem, held secrets far more intricate than met the eye.

"Why the interest, dear Senkuu?" The kitsune's movements were a mesmerizing blend of grace and seduction, his hands entwined with Senkuu's as he caressed the vampire's back with sensual strokes. "What if I wrote something more... nefarious? What if I cast a love spell on you?"

"You wouldn't." Senkuu's response was firm, his crimson eyes piercing through Gen's facade with an intensity that sent shivers down the fox's spine. "You're not the type to toy with your prey."

"Am I not?" Gen's expression shifted to a faux dramatic pout, his eyes betraying a glint of mischief. "But, my dear child, you don't even know me."

"I feel like I've known you for decades," Senkuu's voice resonated with a deep, primal timbre, his words sending a shiver down Gen's spine. "And don't call me 'child.' I've lived for centuries."

With the delicate touch of a cherry blossom petal falling from a tree, Gen leaned in closer to Senkuu until their faces were mere inches apart, their breath mingling in the air between them. "Have you ever tasted immortality?"

Lost in the throes of desire and anticipation, they vanished from the dance floor without a trace, consumed by the thrill of elopement. Senkuu seized Gen's hand with determination, leading them up a hidden staircase to the second floor, their hearts racing with excitement and longing. Along the dimly lit corridor, Senkuu rapped twice on a painting, revealing a concealed doorway that led to a spiral staircase.

Ascending hurried steps, they reached the final landing, where a door to what should have been Senkuu's private chamber stood open, beckoning them inside. As the door closed behind them with a soft click, their lips met in a fervent kiss, ignited by a fierce passion and ecstasy that consumed them both.

Senkuu's lips were cold and dry, yet they responded wonderfully to the touch of Gen's tongue, which shamelessly intruded between the vampire's teeth, teasing his fangs with mischief. The temperature in the room quickly rose, and the windows began to fog up. In the distance, violins played with passion as they both undressed, the fox's attire gracefully falling to the floor, leaving him in undergarments that tantalized the eyes and his mask.

Senkuu's fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, their movements hurried and clumsy as he shed the garment in haste. Stepping backward, he collided with the edge of the bed, the soft mattress yielding beneath his weight as he lowered himself onto it. The sight of Gen drawing near, his tail swaying with a hypnotic rhythm, mesmerizing Senkuu, yet it also prompted a question to escape his lips.

"Is that your true form?"

Gen's laughter filled the room, a concession of defeat in their game of illusions. "Do you truly desire to see me?"

"Delight me."

The statement was so direct and cutting that it ignited a flame of excitement in Gen, his hands gliding sensuously to his hips, tracing a delicate path upward along his slender frame. With a simple flourish, nine tails unfurled behind him, a manifestation of his inner essence. His demeanor shifted, becoming more primal and untamed, while his lips concealed small yet keen fangs. His obsidian eyes gleamed in the moonlight, mirroring the crimson glow of the celestial orb that bathed the room in its eerie radiance. His modest ears, once unassuming, now stood firm and proud, embodying the untamed spirit within.

Had it not been for Senkuu's iron self-control, he might have found himself succumbing to the primal urges that surged within him, a testament to the raw power of desire and the allure of the forbidden.

The yokai moved dangerously towards the bed, straddling the vampire without a hint of shame in his nudity. Senkuu could describe his weight as modest, his presence intriguing, and his scent overwhelming. Another battle of kisses erupted as their hands wandered over each other's bodies. Senkuu's senses were saturated with stimuli and sensations, paying no heed to the hands undressing him. He was lost in the pleasure and madness of the moment, only returning to reality when he felt a pinch on one of his nipples. He had never experienced a sensation like that before, electricity coursing through his nervous system with desperation as he acquired a taste for being fondled.

Perhaps the fox did indeed play with his prey.

Gen halted the intricate choreography of their entwined tongues, his lips trailing down the vampire's neck with a deliberate slowness that sent shivers down Senkuu's spine. It was a place fraught with symbolism for a vampire, an intimate territory both revered and forbidden in their tangled embrace. Senkuu's fingertips dug into the skin of Gen's back as he lavished attention upon the vampire's neck, his movements reminiscent of a famished predator savoring its prey.

So much pleasure clouded Senkuu's mind and made his groin ache; he wanted more, but he also wanted to dominate his lover.

Leaving the boy's body in peace, the fox sat comfortably on top of him.

Behind him, his nine tails swayed with a sinuous rhythm, each movement a tantalizing invitation for exploration. They seemed to possess a life of their own, weaving intricate patterns in the air as if dancing to an unseen melody. Senkuu, recognizing the rare opportunity presented before him, wasted no time in seizing it. With a breathless anticipation, he brought his hands to rest behind Gen's hips, fingers trembling with a mixture of desire and reverence. As his touch grazed the base of the tails, he felt a shiver ripple through the yokai's body, a primal reaction to his intimate caress. A sharp and erotic moan escaped from the yokai's lips, the sound a symphony of pleasure that reverberated through the chamber, mingling with the heady scent of arousal that hung heavy in the air. It was a wordless affirmation of the tails' sensitivity, a declaration of their status as an erogenous zone that begged to be explored further. In that moment, Senkuu found himself intoxicated by the sheer intensity of their connection.

Senkuu composed himself, removing what remained of his clothing and mask, sitting on the bed, placing Gen on his lap, both bodies saturating each other. Their dicks touching for the first time, both letting a loud and calloused moan escape.

The fox yokai took his time to study the vampire's face now that the mask was off, caressing his cold, rigid skin with both hands. He felt the cold sweat and taut skin, characteristics inherent to most creatures of the night. "Your eyes are like gemstones," Gen admitted, his voice quivering with ecstasy as he moved his hips with a languid, teasing rhythm against his lover. His breath came in hot, heavy bursts, each word dripping with admiration and desire. "Like two perfect rubies, glistening with fire."

Senkuu moaned deeply, biting the inside of his mouth to keep from revealing just how much he wanted to take things further that night. Not yet—he wanted to savor the yokai a little longer. "Won't you take off your mask?"

"And ruin the mystery?" Gen laughed, kissing the vampire with greater intensity, showing him how hungry he was for connection, how painfully excited his core felt. Senkuu wasn't one to stay still; he grabbed one of Gen's tails and gently squeezed it, making the yokai scream in pleasure, his spine arching and the other tails moving erratically. Senkuu's free hand moved below the tail, touching Gen's ass dangerously, waiting for a sign of approval to proceed.

The yokai interrupted the kiss, a glistening thread of saliva hanging between their lips, maintaining their connection. With deliberate care, he brought his left hand to his own face, fingers tracing the contours of the intriguing mask. Slowly, he removed it, the mask gradually dimming as if losing its enchantment. His dark eyes shone like polished obsidian, reflecting the dim light of the room, and his pupils, elongated and predatory, revealed the true animal nature within. The raw intensity in his gaze was magnetic, pulling Senkuu deeper into the primal allure of the spirit before him.

There was something erotic in the fox's bestial*ty.

Taking that as an affirmation, Senkuu touched Gen's entrance with two fingers, caressing it tenderly. The warmth and softness under his fingertips felt inviting, urging him to slip a finger inside. Breathless sighs and moans escaped from Gen's lips, each sound a testament to his pleasure. Senkuu kissed the fox's neck, a sudden wave of heat hitting him so hard his mind went dizzy. Gen's intoxicating scent filled his senses, making Senkuu salivate as he pressed his lips against the fox's neck. His hands gripped Gen's hips out of desperation, trying to control the primal urge to bite the pale, perfect skin.

To his surprise, Gen's voice whispered seductively in his ear, "Go on, bite me."

Senkuu froze, silent. He wasn't sure if the yokai was aware of what would happen if he bit him.

"Don't you want to taste immortality?" Gen's voice was a tantalizing temptation.

That question alone made him lose any remaining sense of sanity.

Senkuu's lips approached his lover's neck timidly, licking the area where he would soon sink his fangs. The aroma and texture were exquisite, and every second he took to prepare for the bite was both painful and delirious. He heard a silent whimper as his fangs pierced the yokai's skin, but once he tasted and smelled the blood saturating his senses, he couldn't stop. His pupils dilated and his entire body was flooded with a scorching heat, his hands gripping Gen's hips tightly, feeling the fox's long claws raking his back. As the wounds on Senkuu's back bled, his lover's neck was soaked in blood that Senkuu desperately swallowed. It was an addictive taste, like a miraculous elixir that quenched all his thirst yet ignited a primal hunger in his stomach and co*ck.

Senkuu's lips trembled as they closed in on his lover's neck once again, the anticipation for another load of blood was almost unbearable. He savored the delicate texture and intoxicating scent of his lover skin; Gen Asagiri's scent is a mesmerizing blend of floral and earthy notes, it carries the delicate aroma of cherry blossoms in full bloom with green scent of a lush forest after a spring rain and drove the vampire crazy. As his bite tightened against the tender flesh again, he heard a faint, stifled whimper from Gen. But the moment Senkuu tasted the new load of warm, rich blood, his senses were overwhelmed. He couldn't stop; he didn't want to stop. His body was consumed by a searing heat, his hands clenching around Gen's waist with desperate intensity. He felt Gen's claws digging into his shoulder and his hair pulled from his scalp, but the pain was inconsequential, drowned out by the ecstasy of feeding.

The blood was an addictive elixir, its taste driving him into a frenzied state. It was like nothing he had ever experienced—a miraculous brew that quenched his deepest thirst while awakening a ravenous hunger within him. His mind reeled with the implications; if this was the taste of immortality, he would dedicate himself to discovering how to possess it.

Senku detached his fangs from Gen's neck, his senses still clouded and his vision blurred as he struggled to focus on his lover's face. Gradually, he regained his composure, noting how the lustrous fox skin was stained with blood, two large puncture wounds on his neck still oozing the tempting crimson that beckoned him to devour it once more. Slowly, he also became aware of the burning pain in his back and shoulders, and the agonizing erection that demanded urgent attention.

"Tell me, creature," the yokai's voice was demanding, authoritative, yet laced with a deep, alluring power. Senku felt the weight of those words pressing down on him. "How did you find the taste of immortality?"

Senku took a deep breath and closed his eyes, his mind finally aligning with his senses. Upon reopening them, he was met with a mischievous smile on Gen’s face. His lover’s fingers gently caressed the puncture wounds, healing them, while beneath his nails lay remnants of Senku’s torn skin and blood.

"If immortality tasted like you," Senku murmured, his voice softening as he leaned in to kiss Gen's lips with tender affection, "my new scientific quest would be how to obtain it for myself."

Within the heated room, a silence enveloped them, allowing a moment for mutual admiration. The fox was the first to break the silence:

"f*ck me, Senkuu."

And those words were enough for the vampire to once again attack his victim, this time positioning him underneath, settling between his legs to penetrate him once and for all. There wasn't much romance in the scene, just two men intoxicated with pleasure and the urgent, bestial need to tear a piece off each other to consume it. Gen clung tightly to Senkuu's back, attacking it once more, letting out a growl from his throat as he felt the vampire enter him slowly. Instinctively, he bit Senkuu at the base of his neck while roaring, muffling moans like hidden howls in his throat.

Senkuu felt his whole body shudder as he reached the depths inside his lover. If it weren't for the urgent need to move, he might have cataloged the sensations he felt better—the warmth that emanated and the way it squeezed him. Sadly, the goal behind this act was another, both were about to cross the line that separated consciousness from bestial*ty, and they needed to release themselves before the fire that engulfed them consumed them completely.

As the yokai yielded to the vampire's vigorous thrusts, their bodies entwined in a frenzy of desire and need. Each movement was met with a symphony of moans, blending together in a harmony of desperation and longing. Despite their fervent kisses, they struggled to find a balance, teetering on the edge of overwhelming passion.

With an almost feral hunger, Gen latched onto Senkuu's lips, his bite a mixture of desire and urgency. His tongue traced the contours of the wound left by his teeth, a seductive gesture that spoke volumes of the raw intensity between them.

'You don't know when to give me respite, do you?' Senkuu thought, letting himself be carried away by the bestial hunger he felt, sinking his fangs into the other end of his neck, letting the wound bleed and soak both his lips and the sheets beneath his body. Both were about to climax, but Senkuu came first as he felt his nipples being stimulated, while the sensation of being filled made Gen moan loudly and come as well.

Sighs filled the room, both trying to regain their composure and soul. The divine post-coital sensation gradually subsided, and the chill of Senkuu's room made itself felt on their bodies. Or at least on Gen's body, which was affected by the temperatures. Meanwhile, the vampire began to pay attention to the various wounds on his skin and the characteristic burning they emitted.

Senkuu delicately withdrew from within Gen, murmuring an apology as he searched for something to clean his lover. He ended up sacrificing his shirt so that the yokai could wipe his abdomen and groin, averting his gaze from the sight to avoid getting aroused again.

Noticing this, Gen let out a mischievous laugh. Once he finished cleaning his body, he sank without anyone's permission into the sheets of his lover's bed, covering himself up to his face, leaving his ears out. Touched by the tender scene, the vampire decided to sneak in as well, both hidden from the world under the sheets, seeking each other again to embrace, feeling the other's nudity caressing their own.

Gen purred at the embrace, burying his nose in Senkuu's neck.

"I can heal your wounds, dear Senkuu," the fox's hands began to caress his lover's back with tender care.

"Nah, I'll pass," said the vampire, pressing a gentle kiss to Gen's forehead. "I kind of like the feeling by now."

"Oh, aren't you quite the masoch*st?" Gen teased, his voice laced with affection.

"The audacity, coming from someone who allowed himself to be devoured," Senkuu retorted playfully.

"I have no idea what you're talking about; there's no evidence on my skin," Gen replied with a playful grin. And it wasn't any evidence, since the wound had already healed. Yet, the traces of his blood on the sheets and their bodies told a different story. Senkuu chose to let it slide, eager to ask his question.

"The paper, the spell you cast was 'to synchronize,' right?"

Gen chuckled softly. "My dear vampire, after tasting divinity like that," he said, his tone turning tender, "are you still thinking about the spell?"

As Gen took a moment to compose himself, he gazed into Senkuu's crimson eyes, his own filled with warmth and affection.

"And yes, the spell was to 'mimic' my movements." Though it was a simplification of the truth, he didn't want to spoil the moment with complexities and he wasn't in the mood for revealing his tricks.

Satisfied with the answer, Senkuu leaned in to kiss Gen once more, pulling him into a tender embrace. The music from the orchestra continued to serenade them in the grand hall, adding to the romantic ambiance as they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

Midnight Masquerade - bestialynn - Dr. STONE (Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.