Jodi Wellman on LinkedIn: Want More Life? Get a Friend. | 10 comments (2024)

Jodi Wellman

Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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One of the early researchers in the field of positive psychology, Chris Peterson, was asked to sum up positive psychology (the scientific study of what makes life worth living) in two words or less. What do you think his answer was?A) "Housebroken pets."B) "Red wine."C) "Other people."I know, I know. It should be A + B, but he said C.Otherpeople.(*Here is the pause we'll take for us introverts to roll our eyes.*) (Can we all agree thatother peopleare made better with the addition of the aforementioned red wine?)Peterson later elaborated:“Other people matter, and there may be no happy hermits.”Consider the energy gained by being around humans you like or find interesting (so, not the Debbie Downers and energy vampires who need to be ix-nayed from your life). . . . That’s what we’re after: positive energy from others.Leading researchers have concluded that good relationships with others may be the single most important source of life satisfaction and emotional well-being, across different ages and cultures.Onestudy’sfindings were staggering: people with social relationships realize a 50 percent increase in odds of survival (compared to people without buddies, across the study period).(This study aggregated data from 148 independent studies, looking at three hundred thousand people who were followed around for an average of 7.5 years; the evidence is a tad empirically rigorous.)Keep reading the blog post for the scoop on relationships at work and how we shed friends as we age ... along with an encouragement to connect with someone today, even if it’s to make a “let’s get together” date (in person or otherwise). Do it now. Don't wait.Life's too short to let the good relationships languish.Send a text/ email/ handwritten letter/ voice memo. . . . NOW! Or make a phone call if you must. . . . but just don't FaceTime people out of the blue. That's grounds for relationship termination, Friendo.#fourthousandmondays #connections #relationshipsatwork

Want More Life? Get a Friend.



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Scott White

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Spectra | Chairman of the Board of Invesque | Amazon #1 Bestselling Author of "The Life is Too Short Guy" | Happiness and Leadership Motivational Speaker


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So well said. The power of social relationships is underestimated too often. Go out and invest time, energy, and resources to build a strong social network.

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Jon Rosemberg

Founder & CEO at Strongpoint Group | Empowering Leaders & Organizations to Thrive


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Ah, the beauty and complexity of human connections!Isn't it fascinating how even a simple "Hi" can boost our mood?It's almost like we’re emotional batteries for each other, constantly recharging and spending energy!Thanks for the share, Jodi!

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Faisal N. Khan

WELL-BEING, LIFE BALANCE, & RESILIENCE EXPERT | EXECUTIVE COACH | Master of Applied Positive Psychology | Certified Dare To Lead Facilitator | LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT


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Yes, Jodi, a beautiful reminder about the value of connections and friendships. Listening to your advice, I’m about to send you a text 😉.

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Winn Clark


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    Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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    What would you rather do?A) Ask for helpB) Smother yourself in chum and then splash around in shark-infested watersIf you picked A, you’re a liar, but that’s okay because I’m here to help (EVEN THOUGH YOU DIDN’T ASK FOR IT).Psychologists confirm that we’re notoriously and repeatedly out to lunch when it comes to our fear of asking for help: “people underestimate by as much as 50% the likelihood that others would agree to a direct request for help.” We think we're annoying people but we're actually hijacking their potential happiness.We're the help-hoarding worst.Research is ridiculously clear that “selfish altruism” pays: we’re happier when we’re helping other people out. Study participants who donated time or money were 42 percent likelier to be happy than the selfish a$$holes who didn’t give a care or a dime.Asking for a favor or help gives people a chance to contribute, be generous, and feel like they matter in your life.Why rob someone of the chance to feel like a billion bucks by helping you? Or even five bucks?I was deeply uncomfortable with the idea of asking a select group of friends to review my book,You Only Die Once, on Amazon and Goodreads.My inner talk track sounded something (wallowy) like:“I don’t want to bother her.”“I don’t want to look like a user.”“He’ll be annoyed by the request because he’s so busy and he knows I know he’s busy.”“Where can I get a bucket of chum?”“I wish you’d asked me; I’d have loved to have shared it on Instagram,” was what one acquaintance said to me after I caught up with her last month and told her about my preorder book push. At first I just felt like an idiot for missing the boat—what with her having an admirable follower count and all—but then I felt something worse. I felt like a jerk. I could tell by her tone that I’d distanced us, that I had disappointed her for not including her in my “inner circle” of people I actually did muster up the courage to ask to help promote the book. It never occurred to me that I might mildly offend someone fornotasking for help.Why deny the love and care that someone gets to express by helping you after you’ve asked?How do you feel when someone you care about in some way asks you for help?You usually delight in the chance to assist someone, right? To lend your expertise … to make their life easier in some way … to strengthen your relationship … to bring a side dish to dinner.Where might you benefit from asking for help today?Who can you ask for help with that project/ brainstorm/ task?It might not feel easy, but are you willing to adopt an “I’m the kind of person who asks for help” identity? To take on an “asking for help is a trust-building endeavor” mindset?Now go do someone a favor byasking them for a favor.Help them help you. Help them feel great today.#carpediem #fourthousandmondays

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  • Jodi Wellman

    Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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    Excited to join Jennifer McConnell at Living Legacy for a conversation about building and living your legacy. Join in if you can ... hope to see you there!


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  • Jodi Wellman

    Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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    What a great time talking to the incredible Ilene Schaffer, MA, PCC on her What's Possible Podcast... we spoke about how to stuff more life into life, and how to make sure regrets don't haunt us at the end (or on the way to the end). Such a great chat with a total pro. Check it out!



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  • Jodi Wellman

    Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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    Okay, admit it: you're as enthralled with the "Desuckify Work" name as I am, and you feel compelled to listen to TJ Bennett, ACC 🐱's podcast (yes! The one with me on "remembering we all must die").It's not morbid; it's fun, there are cat images, and thought-provoking questions. TJ's amazing! Check it out (along with my custom sound effect that signifies life's getting lived around here).#puddingfactory #fourthousandmondays



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  • Jodi Wellman

    Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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    I'm excited about an excerpt of my book (You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets) being featured by the The British Psychological Society!Check it out here... and okay, fine, here's a teaser if you need one:Regrets can motivate us to change our behaviour and improve our lives, after we simmer in the uncomfortable awareness of 'what could have been' if we'd only made a way better decision. Oh, the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. Regret actually wins the Best of the Worst award; studies show we value regret more than any of the negative emotions out there, because we accept its functional value to help shepherd our decisions. Let's dive into seven ways regrets (*sigh*) make play an important role in an astonishing life...#britishpsychologicalsociety #fourthousandmondays #carpediem

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  • Jodi Wellman

    Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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    Summer! It’s arriving this Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 4:51pm EST, and like life, it’ll slip ‘n slide away from us unless we stop for a hot sec and figure out how to make these 94 days matter.Let’s do a quick temperature check.Where are you on the Summerlicious Heat-o-Meter in the picture below?Regardless of where you sit on the savor-vs-squander-summer-spectrum, can I encourage you to pay just a little more attention to it this year?Not because it might be your last (that kind of talk is even too morbid for me!Although it totally might be your last) but because it represents 13 Mondays out of the 4,000-ish you’ve been allotted in your fabulous-yet-dwindling existence.Paying attention to this summer flexes the “life gets lived around here” muscle and leads to more vitality-filled seasons to come (because when you slay summer, you’re going to want to keep up the momentum and also win winter).Let’s use summer as an excuse to look at a three-month block of our lives and make them count, shall we?Keep reading for"Five Questions to Prevent Summer from Melting Away" along with 39 ideas to make Summer of 2024 count ... #fourthousandmondays #carpediem

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  • Jodi Wellman

    Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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    Ryan Berman is an amazing podcast host with a fascinating perspective on the importance of courage in well-lived lives. Check out this conversation we had together… and I dare you to tell me you don’t love this line of his as much as I do: ”courage is regret insurance.” WOW!



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  • Jodi Wellman

    Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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    Is there a dream or plan or notion you find yourself talking about ... fairly often ... and then promptly doing absolutely nothing about?You’re not alone.Here’s an assortment of examples:*“I’m going to go back to school to finish my degree someday.”*“I’m going to run a marathon. And then a triathlon!”*“I’m going to start my ferret grooming business for sure one day.”*“I’m going to re-do my website once and for all.”*“I’m going to start meditating in the mornings.”*“I’m going to start looking for a new job.”*“I’m going to put together a little garage band with the guys in the neighborhood who also miss playing music.”*“I’m going to go on a road trip where I visit all the places I’ve lived.”*Etc. etc.Pursuing dreams takes effort, and we tend to prefer the path of least resistance. It’s so much easier to do diddly squat, right? At the end of a long week, we don’t always have the energy to work on the website or the business plan or bike for miles in the rain.Going after goals can be scary,and summoning up the courage to play the drums in front of other humans might feel out of range. Looking for a new job requires a good bit of bravery. Going back to school might involve rejection and failure. It’s tempting to defer a dream when fear’s tentacles are wrapped tightly around our necks.Dreams and goals are delicious and important; let’s never stop conjuring them. But as we’ve discussed beforehere, we sometimes fall into the trap of feelingjust good enoughwhen we talk about our dreams ... just good enough to take zilcho action. Sometimes the dreaming feels adequately satisfying and then all of a sudden four months have gone by and we haven’t moved any closer to starting Fanny’s FancyFerrets.Sometimes we need to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask ourselves where we need to come clean. Where have you maybe been talking about a dream, for a while, but not letting it come to life? (In the post I share my examples of wanting to move and write a book.)There is a cost to saying, “I’m going to ...” and then never doing it.What's the cost?We break integrity with ourselves.When we want something anddon’t do the thing,we train ourselves to believe that our dreams and goals are not only optional (I suppose all self-imposed goals are optional) but also waffly.Unlikely. Dubious.We start to believe that we’re the type of person whose dreams don’t really come true. We start to see ourselves as the kind of person who’s unwilling to work towards things we’ve declared matter. We learn to see ourselves as wannabees. We might even, in our quieter moments (with a drink in hand), think we’re full of sh*t. We start to languish. And then we become the living dead ... walking around with dead dreams fermenting in a body that has a pulse but a beaten-up soul. (Oh! That took a dark turn there, didn’t it?!)Let's talk a big game AND live a big game.Should we all go in together and start that Fancy Ferret empire? #carpediem

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  • Jodi Wellman

    Keynote Speaker, Author of You Only Die Once, Founder of Four Thousand Mondays

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    Happy to share that I'll be talking about How to Awaken Your Life with Rich Trigger Bontrager on his Rock the Stage Show this Sunday ... join in if you can.Cheers to living like you mean it in the meantime!


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Jodi Wellman on LinkedIn: Want More Life? Get a Friend. | 10 comments (49)

Jodi Wellman on LinkedIn: Want More Life? Get a Friend. | 10 comments (50)


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Jodi Wellman on LinkedIn: Want More Life? Get a Friend. | 10 comments (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.