Harry Potter and That Time He Became a Ghost Rider - Chapter 1 - DobermanQueen08 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter One: Age 5

Surrey, England is a small town full of quiet and nice people. Well, for the most part. Private Drive, a small street in the town was lined on both sides with tidy houses all in a row. Each house has an adorable white shade with matching red doors and brass numbers stamped on each one. Not one house stood apart from each other. A visitor might assume everyone is the same then, little families all preparing children for the world around them. But one house on Private Drive was not as normal as they would wish. From an outsider’s glance they might be, but step behind that red door, and dark secrets lurk.


The scorching July heat beat down on the back of a young messy black-haired child. His shoulders were thin and going from a pale white to a bright burnt red as the day went on. On hands and knees, the boy crawled through a thick patch of roses to dig up weeds at its roots. The thorns slashed at his exposed arms and back, digging into his cheeks and causing a wince. Boy liked working with flowers even if his aunt thought it, was punishment. He liked ripping the weeds out and seeing them wither away in his hands, though it never seemed to happen to his aunt’s precious roses, for which boy was grateful. This particular July day, Boy was tired, he wanted to grab a swig from the hose as he watered the roses. As he bent his lips to the water, the sound of feet crunching on grass caught his attention. Boy turned to glance at the approaching figure, he was tall and thin. His body was covered in a cloak that went from neck to ankle, Boy wondered how the man was not dying from the heat in such a large jacket. A hat was perched on the man’s head that shaded his eyes from view, in his hands was a rather strange-looking walking stick. Instead of the typical wooden ones Boy had seen, this one was made entirely of silver metal. Upon closer inspection, the cane looked exactly like a spine, each bone stacked up and up before meeting a rather scary-looking horned skull making up the handle of the cane. Bone-thin fingers loosely gripped the cane and eyes Boy could not see gazed at him in silent contemplation.

“Hello Sir, My Aunt is inside if you want to knock on the front door,” Boy spoke softly to the man hoping he wouldn’t tell his aunt he was being a rude brat. The man just smiled at him with teeth a little too sharp.

“No young one, I was looking for you actually. You are Harry James Potter after all, are you not?” The man’s voice sounded like smooth wine; Boy tilted his head. He had heard his uncle refer to him as that Potter Brat on a few occasions to his aunt. But he did not know that meant he had a name. Slowly he shrugged one shoulder up in a shrug. The thin man’s smile just seemed to get impossibly wider.

“Then you are exactly who I have been looking for. I have come to make you a deal of sorts.” The man leaned onto his cane and peered down at the small child.

“You will be six years old in a matter of days and I would like to offer you a family, one that will give you a birthday you deserve as well as other days you deserve a better family than this…lot,” he said having wanted to say another word but choosing a wiser choice around impressionable ears. Boy…Harry’s eyes widened. A family, a real family.

“A mommy and daddy just for me?” He asks the man wanting to make sure they understood each other. The man considered this,

“Well, I know you would have one father for sure. My goal is two fathers, would that be an acceptable alternative?” The man asked drumming his fingers on the cane’s head. Harry thought about it and nodded sharply once.

“Yes, two fathers are fine sir. But you said a trade?” Harry thought he remembered trading with Dudley and Pierce. They swapped toys and called it trading. Harry did not have any toys or pretty things that the man could want. But his eyes found his aunt’s endless rows of flowers, landing on one of four sunflowers standing. Three were taller than him but the fourth was shorter and not as bright a yellow. He gently plucked the head of the sunflower off blood from working on the plant seeping into its stem. The tall man accepted the flower and grinned wide.

“Yes, this will do perfectly, thank you.” He settled the sunflower inside a pocket in his coat. I will return once I have acquired your fathers. I am sorry to leave you for now, but I must travel a way to collect them for you.” The man gently pats Harry’s shoulder before he lifts his cane and stamps it down onto the ground with a surprisingly loud crack three times.

“It is done young one. I will be back soon.” With that, the man left and Harry was left alone once more in the backyard. A door opened behind him, and his aunt’s long horse-like face poked out with a nasty scowl etched into her features.

“Hurry up boy! Vernon will be home in a while and dinner needs to be done by then or he will belt you for sure!” she hollered before slamming the door shut again. Harry smiled to himself as he finished up in the garden. He did not know if it was a dream he had, the man promising him daddies. But he would hold onto that dream. For a little while at least.


Harry struggled with cooking at only five years old. His aunt thankfully pre-cut up the meat and harder vegetables, clearly deciding that a trip to the clinic was not worth her time. So, she left the frying portion to him. He stood on a kitchen chair and had on a long-sleeved shirt she always gave him to cook in. It covered most skin, but when the oil popped and landed on his hands or face, he tried not to yelp. He burned the meat and vegetables a touch and knew he would hear about it from Uncle Vernon. Said man thundered into the house the second he got home, hollering for scotch and dinner. Throwing his large girth onto the couch, Harry trotted out with a plate of food for him. Seeing the slightly charred edges Vernon’s face turned bright purple and he threw his fork at Harry’s retreating back clipping him on the shoulder.

Harry ducked his head and tried his hardest to ignore the tirade of yelling coming his way, his cousin’s attempts to trip him, and his aunt's ugly-faced sneers. As Harry lay in his little nest inside his cupboard, a time when Harry’s heart would hurt, and his cheeks would be stained with tears. A smile instead took its place, with hope blooming for the first time in his young life.


Across the world at that exact moment. A man who seemed to be in his mid-forties, but with hair much greyer than people would think normal for a man of his looks. He stood over a freshly dug grave, a thick line of sweat coating his forehead and neck. He rubbed a damp cloth over the skin to help cool himself off. As he was about to dig his shovel into the earth again and begin the task anew in a different patch. Wards the man had placed along the perimeter of the cemetery flared with the arrival of someone he hoped to never cross paths with again. Peering towards the entrance. The grey-haired man-made eye contact with someone familiar.

“Mephistopheles.” The grey-haired man spat not moving from his spot.

“Carter Slade, how nice to see you again. It has been far too long since we last spoke” The cultured voice of the man now named Mephistopheles drawled as he smiled leisurely at Carter as if he had all the time in the world for this conversation.

“Not long enough if you ask me.” The grey-haired man stated briskly, his metaphorical hackles were very much raised around this man.

“Well, it’s good I did not ask then. But we have much to discuss. So please join me outside your lovely cemetery so we can discuss the terms of your contract.” The Devil smirked at Carter’s expression.

“You cannot get me in here, if I don’t leave it does not matter.” Carter countered on the defensive.

“You see dear man; you would be wrong. Your soul is bound by the contract, if I were to put that contract in hell, you would follow. I have not purely because it amuses me so that you think hiding in a place of my fathers can prevent my collection of you.” Mephistopheles chuckled and wiggled a hand past the barrier that supposedly would not allow demons to enter.

“Have you not wondered why in the 80 years since Johnny defeated my son with your help, when you thought you had only once change left inside you? Yet you still are here, still alive and unchanged from the minute you signed that contract with me in 1756” Carter showed no sign of the truth in that, he had waited to fade away, die of heart failure, or just plain collapse where he stood the second he changed back after helping Johnny Blaze, the Previous Ghost Rider, get the 500 miles from his place in Texas, to San Venganza. But he had not, instead, he had made it back to the Cemetery with Britches, his mare fully alive and healthy. The pair collapsed into a deep sleep, awaking to find themselves very much alive, and doing the same on repeat until this day. The Devil stepped one foot inside the cemetery before back out.

“You forget, I am not a demon. I feel yes, but I am still divinity therefore churches and holy grounds are not a deterrent for me. Now let’s get back on track, I have a young wizard in need of a tutor and father. I have agreed to give him such and have decided you will do nicely.” Mephistopheles chirped like an overeager puppy. It revolted Carter.

“A father and a tutor?” Carter was confused by this.

“Why would an adult need a father figure and not a mentor?” Mephistopheles’ thunderous laugh consumed the area, almost in a deafening tone.

“He will be six in four days. He is not grown.”

“You lie. A child. Not possible. Children do not sell their souls. They have not matured enough.” He stated unimpressed with the devil’s attempt at trickery. The Devil’s face darkened at the words.

“I am many things, But I have never lied. I cannot lie, no angel can. I can deceive or hide the truth. But flat our lying is not possible. Do not utter such words again or I will burn your contract now and find another to fill my needs.” The fangs protruding from the devil’s face now and red eyes terrified Carter Slade to his core. He nodded his head knowing not to push on this particular topic. The devil’s face slowly morphed back into one more humanlike.

“I did not take his soul have no fear of that. I did collect a payment from him, so he owes me nothing. Though he will grow up to become a Rider, which is a key reason for you Slade. I need him to be taught how to handle the growing power within him, and how to be comfortable being a wizard. Most importantly, I need him loved.” The last bit was said with a steely glare in Carter’s direction. That portion was the important part to remember.

Slade considered his options, the Devil's display of being able to walk onto the holy grounds whenever he so pleased, clearly meant he was not as safe as he had been. So, turning the being down was likely to end in eternal suffering. On the other hand, if he did the deal. He was not sure what would come of it.

“What are the details on the new contract, I did not ask last time. Now I am” He stated with some hesitation. Instead of anger, the Devil smiled at him.

“I appreciate the brains you finally grew in the last two hundred years Slade; you will mentor him for twenty-four years; on his Thirtieth birthday, you will be released from the contract. At that point, if you are as tired as you seem, I will have one of my siblings collect you for their realm. If you wish to age like a normal mortal and stay with the family, you build and die of old age. Also, your choice.” The devil said and all of this just shocked Carter. He did not know what to expect but this was not it. Raise a child who was about to be six for twenty-four years. Mentor him, tutor him, love him. Afterward, his ‘son’ would be at an age he could accept if Carter wanted to rest, or he could continue on in his new ‘son’s’ life until old age consumed him. He considered it all.

“Do I need to make a choice about staying or going now, or when he is thirty?”

“I think when he is Thirty is acceptable. But you must have a decision by midnight July 30 First understood?” The man nodded and reached his hand out for the new contract. Accepting it, he pricked his finger on the edge and let three drops of blood land on the line.

“That will do just fine” The Devil cackled, steadily growing louder and the world faded into black.


A rocky Island just off the Coast of England sat battered by wind, rain, and waves in all directions. The cold would make anyone doubt inhabitants occupied the hunk of rock they call an Island. But there was. 127 Inmates reside in Azkaban Prison. Each one is frozen and battered by more than the elements. While the muggles could not see them, Wizards would see what looked like strange black clouds fighting the wind in strange patterns all around the Island, but they were not clouds. They were Dementors, and for those 127 souls, that meant hell.

One of those particular souls had a special ability. He was currently curled up in the form of a shaggy black dog, tucked as far under the cot of a bed and into the corner as his scrawny body could fit. The attempts to keep warm and ward off the horrible effect of the dementors occupied 96% of his brain. The other 3% were occupied by his tiny pup. One who would now be six if you counted the scratches on the underside of his cot correctly. A slight whine left the canine’s muzzle as he scraped another line into the rotting wood with his claw. The sound of footsteps coming down the hall caused the dog to scramble from under the bed and shift into a human, before curling back into a corner with a thin ratty blanket. The jangle of keys alerted the man to the incoming people into his space. A tall woman with sharp-featured but kind eyes and a tight brown bun in her hair strode forward.

“Mr. Black, I am Amelia Bones, on behalf of the Ministry of Magic we would like to apologize for your wrongful imprisonment. Your trial was conducted, and we found you not guilty of aiding in the murder of Lily and James Potter, as well as the Murder of Thirteen Muggles and One Peter Pettigrew. We have discovered Pettigrew this past weekend and from his memories and confession we can prove without a doubt your none-involvement in all deaths.” She stated clearly to the man, he blinked slowly as the words sunk into his confused mind.

“I…I am free?” he asked. She nodded curtly in response,

“Yes Mr. Black, We have contacted Saint Mungos, and they will gladly treat you and make sure you are brought back to full health. We have also been contacted by Mr. Slade-Evens; he says that he is happy to house you once you are able to be released from Saint Mungos.

Sirius attempted to wrack his brain to remember that name, it was strange. Almost as if the memory was sliding into place for the first time and not a remembering of the memory. His eyes lit up.

“Lily’s big brother?” he asked and at Madam Bones’ nod he attempted to stand.

“Well, we can’t keep Big Brother waiting!” His attempt at humor was lost by his gaunt appearance and haunted eyes. Madam Bones just smiled sadly and led him by his elbow to the waiting boat outside. A thick cloak was draped over his shoulders as he sat down, turning thankful eyes on the woman he cuddled into it and closed his eyes. He felt them stinging with tears and did not want them to fall in front of others. Taking deep calming breaths helped soothe him. With every breath his soul felt lighter, he was going home.


It had been four long days since the tall man had made his promise. The only reason Harry had not lost all hope yet, was when he went out to the garden and only saw three sunflowers poking above the ferns, the fourth given to the man. Every time Harry saw this, he hardened his heart and promised himself to wait one more day. Harry had forgotten it was his birthday until his aunt handed him an extra-long list of duties. She only ever did this on his birthday and Christmas. So, he knew what day it was and began his tasks. Sweeping the porches, and mowing the lawn with the old push mower. Uncle Vernon said he was too young for the powered one and it was ‘safer’ to use the manual push mower. It was not as clean as the electricity and took twice as long for him to do, seeing as he was so young. But once the yard was mowed, weeds picked and flowers pruned, he headed inside to mop and dust.

By the time dinner rolled around, his aunt had made a special Lasagna for Vernon and Dudley that Harry had to dish up and serve with the salad and rolls. Harry was grabbed by the ear as soon as the last roll dropped on Aunt Petunia’s plate, as Uncle Vernon tossed him into his cupboard. He curled up around his hungry tummy and tried to ignore the good smells and talking from the other room. He knew they would be getting him soon for a clean-up when a loud knock banged on the front door. Harry jumped at the sudden noise and Vernon swore loudly.

“Who the bloody hell is interrupting my dinner!” the fat man roared as he thundered to the front door and threw it open, likely to scream at the disturber. When nothing but silence filled the house. No screaming or shouting. Harry pressed his ear to the door of his cupboard hoping to hear what was happening.

“Vernon?” Petunia’s voice said from the Kitchen, her softer footsteps walked past his cupboard to the front door, then just as before. Silence.

“MUM! DA! I’M HUNGRY” wailed Dudley from his chair at the table, his screams got louder and louder before cutting off mid-wail. The silence dragged on for many minutes. Harry felt fear stirring in his belly and he backed up into his cupboard, hoping whatever monster ate his family thought he was not there. The latches and locks on his cupboard sprang apart, and the door slowly creaked open. Harry shook slightly in fear until a familiar face appeared at the door,

“Hello young one, I am sorry I am late. I got a bit delayed you see.” The old man who promised him a family was kneeling right there. His hand stretched to Harry for him to take, offering him the home he promised. Crawling from his cupboard, Harry saw two black and burnt-looking skeletons on the floor near the stairs and front door. His eyes widened.

“Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia?” he asked, pointing to the skeletons. At the curt nod, Harry turned and found the chair his cousin was sitting in. No skeleton was there, in fact, nothing was there.

“I sent him to his aunt; he will be raised by her. There was an accident and Vernon and Petunia got into an argument that ended badly. That is what everyone will know, well the muggles anyway” The man stated waving a bony-fingered hand. Harry nodded his head not understanding him but figuring it was best not to ask. With a wave of his hand, the skeletons disappeared.

“How did you do that?” Harry asked, eyes going impossibly wide.

“Magic my child, something you will learn with the help of your new father.” Was the answer, if possible, the already wide eyes just got wider. This made the Devil smile at the adorable sight. Harry was so shocked the man said that word, Uncle Vernon hated the word Magic, but then, he was gone so Harry figured it did not matter anymore what Uncle Vernon did or did not like. Harry turned towards the man.

“You said I would get two new fathers.” Harry was a little shy asking, not wanting to sound too greedy like his aunt always claimed. The man just patted his head and pointed at the front door, where a tall man stood. He was wearing dirty ripped jeans, brown cowboy boots, and a flannel shirt tucked into the jeans, a giant belt buckle dominating his waist. On his silver hair, which did not seem to be due to age, sat a dirty brown cowboy hat that clearly had seen better days. His eyes were kind and brown, and his mustache long making him seem like a cowboy from one of the Western Movies Dudley had borrowed from the rental place.

Harry waved shyly to the new man who smiled back and stepped inside, shutting the door softly behind him.

“Your other father is currently in the Hospital; he will be able to join you in a month or so. Once he is all better. For now, this is Carter Slade, to the magical and muggles alike, he is your uncle by blood. His sister is your mother and aunt, he is much older than them, so he left for college when they were children in America. He came back for you, Albus Dumbledore, a name you will learn later. Thinks he placed you with a different sibling of Lilies, it will be fun when he finds out he accidentally gave you to the sibling he didn’t want you to go to!” The older man’s grin was full of sharp teeth and terrifying promises. Harry was not afraid though. He found comfort in the older man's sharp smile. It brought him a family and took him away from those people.

“I don’t mind waiting.” That was all Harry said in response. Neither man was surprised, he was only six after all. He might not understand the concept of faking records and memories in an entire generation of creatures. The boy approached Carter Slade with some hesitancy in his steps but finally stood before him with his smaller hand stretched out.

“Hi, I am Harry, and he says you will be my father.” Harry points to Mephistopheles and then pauses.

“Sir, I do not actually know your name.” The Devil smiles kindly at the boy which freaks Carter out all the more,

“You can call me Mephistopheles young one.” The boy thinks the name over.

“May I call you Mr. Meph, it's easier” The laugh that comes from the Devil is both echoing and sudden.

“Oh, you are a breath of fresh air, aren’t you? Yes, you may call me that if you wish.” Harry smiles and darts in for a hug before hastily turning back to his new father.

“Where will we live?”

“I figured we could renovate this place with Magic, it will work for now. Everyone assumes I’ve lived here in the neighborhood anyway. So, seeing us out and together will raise no eyebrows.” Harry nodded and looked around.

“I wanna see magic. Can we really redecorate?” He asked, getting excited at the prospect of seeing Magic again. Both older men smiled at the excited manner of the child who seemed not to care for the demise of his relatives. Mephistopheles tapped his cane on the wooden floors three times, balls of black smoke shot out from where the cane made contact with the ground. The black balls of smoke trailed along the walls and floors, and each piece of furniture was slowly transformed and replaced.

The previously overly white walls and in-style living room furniture were replaced by American Western style cow pattern furniture that once Carter saw made a smile come to his face, this was all from his home. Clearly, Mephistopheles had transplanted his own decorations and belongings here. The walls took the soft honey brown he loved, his hunting mounts above the fireplace. His favorite wooden dining table and chair set he carved in the 30s, now sat where the glass dining table had been previously. Carter was happy to be around familiar-looking surroundings, he worried about Harry’s reaction to all the new additions and changes, so he turned to look at said child.

He found wide eyes full of wonder and awe, the mild fear he felt went away seeing his new son trail fingers over the soft fur of the couch, he hand-crafted it from an old steer of his and wood. All the wooden furniture and knickknacks littering the house now had been carved by Carter over the past few hundred years.

“Do I still stay in my cupboard?” Harry asked hesitantly looking at Carter, he couldn’t help the angry scowl that crossed his face. But regretted it when Harry ducked his head.

“No Buddy, you will be sleeping in a bedroom upstairs. Let’s go look hmm?” He held a hand palm up to the timid child hoping the offering would be accepted. It was. The pair made their way upstairs trailed by a Devil who found this whole exchange sickeningly adorable. They found four doors on the top floor, three bedrooms, and a single bathroom. Previously Dudley had two bedrooms across from each other, while Vernon and Petunia had the Master at the end of the hall. Harry glanced at Dudley’s old room where Carter was leading him.

Inside the room, it was amazing. Brand new bedding with a soft sheep wool blanket covering the bed in a beautiful black. Harry loved how the wood was dark and the fabrics in the room were black and dark grey. He had always loved darker colors, being in the dark so often. With the exception of yellow and sunflowers, especially sunflowers, they got him freedom. He had decided to pick the three remaining sunflowers from the Garden, he wanted them in his room to remember always. He raced downstairs and out to the backyard intent on grabbing his flowers. The Devil followed on quiet feet and watched his young Ghost Rider cut down the remaining sunflowers bringing them over to him.

“I want you to use magic on these. I want them in my room to always remember today.” The boy said firmly for the first time since they had met four days previously.

“As you wish” is A phrase he should not have said, for he would repeat it many times in the years he will know Harry Potter.

The Devil waved his hand over the flowers, and they changed, going from plant to metal in moments. Their color was preserved exactly, each detail etched in metal making them look as real as they had been, but now living forever. The base wove together and formed a stand to sit. Harry grasped his new metal flowers and walked back to his new room. The pair of adults watched as the child surveyed the room before deciding they got pride of honor on his bedside table. He looked at them and smiled.

“Thank you both for giving me what I always wanted, family.” Carter’s chest constricted at the feelings the child gave him. He followed Mephistopheles out after bidding the boy goodnight, it had been a long day.

“We need to discuss things,” Carter told the Devil the second the door shut. The pair made their way downstairs to the newly decorated living room. Carter sat on his favorite rocking chair, leaning back in it he observed the Devil Closely.

“Why him.” That was all he asked.

“That is a question I will not answer twice, with the exception of Harry when he gains his inheritance at 18. Once Sirius is here with the family, I will answer all the questions you have. For now, I ask you to take this month and bond with Harry. He will need comfort when Sirius is introduced. It’s hard to change. But having a comfortable figure to lean on helps. Be that for him and take him shopping. I know you have money; you live like a hobo, yet you save every penny for 200 years. I know you can afford crap, plus You can have some of mine. I don’t use it much; human sh*t is unimportant to me.” The devil clearly felt restricted from cussing around children and needed to vent. Carter had not seen this side of the fallen angel before, and it made him relax a touch. Carter only blinks once before recovering and pointing a finger at the Devil.

“Fine, you want shopping you are paying. I will take him tomorrow and buy him whatever his little heart wants. But you foot the bill f*cker.” Meph snorted and nodded handing over a plastic card.

“Try not to figure out its upper limit, I do not feel like getting a call from my bank, you see.” The devil sneered as Carter pocketed the money.

“Oh no promises bonehead, you left me unsupervised with a kid and unlimited money.” The Devil sighed knowing he would possibly regret this.

“Alright alright. Have fun, I need to wrangle some things before we discuss things further.” With that, the Devil disappeared in a cloud of smoke, the lights in the room came back on and it was no longer swathed in darkness.

Carter Slade was tired; he knew the things he needed to do tomorrow. Go into London, buy the kids clothes and toys, whatever kids need. Make the damn devil choke on the credit card bill and maybe get the kid a puppy. That would piss the Devil off all right. He doubted he would, but the idea had merit. He made sure everything was locked up for the night, before heading upstairs to get some shut-eye, tomorrow was going to be hell. But at least the Devil was paying for it. With a last smirk, Slade drifted off to sleep in his comfortable king-size bed.

Harry Potter and That Time He Became a Ghost Rider - Chapter 1 - DobermanQueen08 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

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Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.